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European packaging legislation and the role of the authorized representative

European packaging legislation and the role of the authorized representative

The changes to the Austrian Packaging Ordinance are currently also attracting a great deal of interest among German retailers. The main reason for this is a significant innovation: since 1 January 2023, foreign retailers who ship products to Austria and do not have a branch there must appoint an official authorized representative. However, this requirement is not only valid in Austria; similar regulations also exist in other EU countries. We shed light on the countries in which the appointment of an authorized representative is required for shipping and what consequences this has for you.

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VAT in e-commerce and the one-stop store concept – an overview

VAT in e-commerce and the one-stop store concept – an overview

International deliveries play a crucial role in global economic growth, especially for the e-commerce sector. This aspect has also been recognised by the European Union, which is why it has adapted its tax regulations accordingly since July 2021. These adjustments not only entail the fulfilment of certain requirements, for example from the German Packaging Act (VerpackG) or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but also impose additional obligations on retailers who ship products to end consumers within the EU.

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Package labeling in Italy: A comprehensive guide

Package labeling in Italy: A comprehensive guide

Anyone shipping goods to Italy should definitely observe the labelling regulations there. In contrast to Germany, where the Packaging Act (VerpackG) governs the handling of packaging materials, other European countries such as France and Italy have their own laws. In addition to the licensing of packaging, these often also require specific labelling tailored to the country in question.

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The Triman logo and sorting instructions in France

The Triman logo and sorting instructions in France

Initiatives such as the Green Deal and the plastic tax show that the European Union attaches great importance to environmental protection. A key element in this effort is the EU Packaging Directive, which aims to minimize the negative impact of growing packaging waste and support an effective circular economy in the member states. However, the implementation of this directive varies from country to country. In Germany, for example, this is regulated by the Packaging Act, while Austria has its own packaging ordinance. In France, one of the main requirements is the so-called labeling obligation. This obliges companies to label products and packaging that are ultimately disposed of in consumers’ households with the Triman logo. This regulation also applies to non-French online retailers who sell their goods to private customers in France. There have been changes to this labeling requirement since January 2021. What do you need to know about the French labeling obligation and what changes came into force at the beginning of 2021 and also in 2022?

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