The prevention plan in France: eco-design and co.

Verpackungsrichtlinie Österreich
Grüner Punkt packaging labeling in Spain

France has taken a pioneering step towards sustainable eco-design as part of the Circular Economy Act (AGEC). According to this regulation, all companies that place products on the market in at least one of twelve different EPR areas are obliged to submit prevention and eco-design plans.

Legal basis, its areas of application and objectives

The implementation of these plans is based on the AGEC Act of 10 February 2020 and Decree No. 2020-1455 on the reform of extended producer responsibility (EPR). In accordance with Article 72 of the AGEC law and Article L. 541-10-12 of the Environmental Code, manufacturers must submit a prevention plan. The EPR obligations apply to twelve areas, including household packaging, graphic paper, batteries, waste electrical and electronic equipment, textiles and furniture.

Objectives of the prevention plan in France

For manufacturers and retailers of products in these areas, this requires the creation of a prevention plan. This plan aims to reduce non-renewable materials, maximise the use of recycled materials and improve the recyclability of products. The overarching goal is to create environmentally sustainable products and services that conserve resources, minimise waste and reduce environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle. France is therefore a leader in the EU in terms of corresponding legal regulations.

Benefits of the prevention plan

The implementation of eco-design not only brings environmental benefits, but can also offer economic advantages by reducing material and energy costs, lowering licence fees for sustainable packaging and improving the brand image. Eco-design is therefore a decisive approach for companies that want to offer sustainable products and services.

Implementation of the prevention plan

The creation of a plan to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and paper has been mandatory for all suppliers since 2023. The prevention plan can be drawn up collectively or individually and must include the categories “Reduce”, “Recycle” and “Reuse”. A follow-up report is required every five years, which contains a review of the previous plan and sets out the targets and measures for waste prevention and eco-design for the next five years.

The submission and regular updating of these plans to the relevant take-back schemes is mandatory after the respective deadlines. Summaries of the plans are published by each scheme every three years and are publicly available.

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